AI Trade
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AI Trade

Web application for private investment company using options data from CBOE to predict short-term stock prices based on a proprietary algorithm. Trading software was hosted entirely in AWS using an active-active architecture, making sure it is available in the EU and the US. We achieved a fully automated execution of the algorithm based on live data from CBOE API, increasing the number of quality stock picks. Time series data is being saved to RDS to make sure the algorithm can be further improved.

An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi
An image uploaded to Strapi

We used active-active architecture for this project. Same architecture was used for EU and the US. Such architecture was used to make sure that 99.99% availability with low downtimes can be maintained. All components are configured to automatically failover to active region.

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